Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The end of an amazing visit

So Josh came home for a few days to visit. These last 4 days flew by of course and now he's on his way back to training. We had so much fun going to dinner, the lake, a resort, and taking the kids to a bbq/park play date. I'm sad that it had to end, but I know that compared to his last deployment we are the strongest that we have ever been.We have prepared as much as we can, and we will get through this separation together.The worst part is having to say goodbye again. Every time he leaves, I try to hold it together and then I end up breaking down. I'm getting better though because this time I didn't break down until after he left. Then I had to pull it together really quick before Dylan saw me. He just had to say goodbye to his dad so the last thing the kid needs is to have his mom acting all hysterical like a crazy person. The rest of the day went by pretty quick, and now I'm focused on trying to get us back into a regular routine. We'll just take it one day at a time. I'm sure that time will go by fast, but the beginning of the countdown is always daunting. I have a ton of pictures to upload from the past few days, so maybe I'll get a chance to post them tomorrow. 

Here is a cute picture I snapped as Josh was talking to Dylan about him having to go fight the bad guys. 


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