Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Busy? Me? Not at all...:)

Ok...so...I'm not very good at keeping the blog up to date. Things get ridiculously busy around here, and it's not uncommon for me to not even know what day it is. I'm not even sure where to start with all of the updates. First up...
DYLAN! He finished his second session of swim lessons. He is ready to move on to the next level, and I think we may start that on Saturday mornings. He also started karate a few weeks ago. He loves it! Right now it's just him and a karate teacher but he is going to start going to a class that has other students that he can interact with. He practices his moves at home, and when we FaceTime with Josh, he shows off his karate skills. Tomorrow is the start of his 3rd week of Preschool! On his first day, I held back the tears as I walked him in. He's gone to daycare since he was 1, but this was different. This was SCHOOL! He was wearing his little Bumblebee backpack, and he walked in like he owned the place. I can't believe how grown up he is already! He likes to say that things are disgusting (which he pronounces "us-gus-ting") and he just started saying that everything Sophia does is adorable. It sounds really cute, but he says it over and over allllll daaayyyy looonnngg. The attitude comes and goes, but I think I've cut him some slack on it ever since I had the realization that the attitude is my fault (I'll save that story for another day).
Here are some of his pictures from the past few weeks...

He finally got a haircut! I kept it long enough for the mohawk, but the sides are shaved again.

First day of Preschool!!

Walking into school. I told you...he thinks he owns the place.

Watching Dark Knight Rises, in his Batman shirt of course


This is their idea of bedtime 

Now for Sophia! 
She just turned 8 months old yesterday. Since my last update about her at 6 months, she started (army) crawling, pulling herself up, and she can stand for a few seconds without holding on to anything. This girl is all over the place. Despite her mobility, her favorite place to hang out is sitting on my hip. I keep telling myself that this is just a clingy phase, but she doesn't seem to be growing out of it at all. She thinks that everything that Dylan does is hilarious, which just encourages him to be loud and run around the house like a mental patient. She still has NO teeth! This doesn't stop her from eating everything though. I have to make sure anything I am eating is out of her reach because she will grab it and shove it in her mouth. Also, as of 2 days ago, she has been upgraded to a convertible carseat! I searched for the perfect seat for weeks, and when it finally came, it sat in my living room for over a week because I was too busy/tired/hot to go out there and install it. 
Here are her 8 month pictures, and some random ones taken over the past few weeks-

Doesn't she look so big in these pajamas? There's a huge difference between wearing the infant sleepers and these 2 piece pj's!

When I was taking pictures of Sophia yesterday, I took some with my camera and Dylan ended up taking over the camera. I thought that he was taking pictures of Sophia, and there were a few, but the majority of the pictures were of him! They are hilarious! I'm going to upload them tonight or tomorrow so I'll be sure to put them on the blog! :)